Wam Key

The WAMkey Intro Kit has everything you need to remove a crown or bridge in a quick and easy manner including three sizes of WAMkeys No.1, No.2, No.3 and instructional DVD.
All components in this kit are fully autoclavable (130°C/275°F)
Purchase NowIn only 2 minutes, easily remove a crown or bridge painlessly with no risk to the tooth...and re-use the crown !
WAMkey is, quite simply, the easiest to use and most effective crown and bridge removal system on the market. With advancements in adhesive cement, many crown removal products on the market have the potential of fracturing the tooth preparation. As a result, most dentists have resorted to cutting off crowns with high-speed diamond burs. This can take a lot of time, wear out your handpiece, use your burs, be uncomfortable for the patient and lastly be a very frustrating process. Try WAMkey with endo for easier access to canals and better diagnosis. Repair is easier and more reliable than on an occlusal surface. Allows for the crown to be re-used as temporary or permanently.
Dental Advisor recently rated it ++++1/2 and the 2015 Top Crown and Bridge Product. So do your patients and your practice a favor, and try the WAMkey today.

Firstly, locate the most accessible spot on the crown. The goal is to estimate the cement layer level between the occlusal surface of the abutment and the inner side of the crown itself.

Secondly, drill a thin horizontal window in the crown.

Enlarge this window until you can see the cement layer through the window.

Then, after having checked that the slot is at the cement level, deepen the hole until it reaches the centre of the tooth preparation.

Slightly extend the hole to form an horizontal rectangle.

Finally, introduce the key down to the bottom of the slot and make a simple rotation on the handle.The crown is removed! In many cases, you'll be fooled into thinking that the WAMkey is meeting no resistance; even the patient may feel nothing at all. So watch attentively and ask your patient to listen carefully...
So why take risks ?
Outdated, traditional style crown pullers exert dangerous, heavy tensile loads on the ligament, and waste much of the removal force stretching the ligament and causing unnecessary patient trauma, and regularly damage or even extract the preparation....got your lawyers number handy?
WAMkey is totally risk free !
WAMkey's patented unique, gentle separating action allows the crown to follow the path of least resistance. In fact, it will look for the weakest point and gently de-bond the cement. Without pain to your patient, and with no risk of damage.

WAMkey preserves the crown or the bridge to allow temporary or permanent re-use.
The main parts of the crown (margins, occlusal face and contact points) are preserved undamaged.Additionaly, in many situations, the initial window can be cut with the CMV bur on the lingual face. Why is this important ?
Because after its removal, the prosthesis retains all its mechanical and aesthetic properties. You can now either make a small instant composite repair, or refer to the technician. Thus, a provisional or permanent reset is possible.
The pressure on the filling is particularly low, so that you can dismiss any risk of leakage.

Why waste money ?
With outdated traditional methods, the removal process can be time consuming and expensive, and the result uncertain. With WAMkey, your precious time is saved, because the entry window made in the crown is very small. By avoiding cutting the whole crown off, you also save your rotative materials (contra-angles, hand-pieces and drills...). And don't forget that in many situations you can also reset the crown provisionally or permanently. Bonus !
Clinical Video #1
Clinical Video #2
Clinical Video #3
Clinical Video #4
Clinical Video #5
What are the "physics" reasons that traditional crown removers ("pullers") are inefficient?
- Loss of energy in the ligament and in the articulations
- Don't work along the axis of the preparation (or the crown)
What are the 2 main reasons WAMkey is efficient?
- You work between the 2 parts you want to separate, all your energy is fighting against the cement (no loss) => less energy needed
- The instrument works along the axis of the preparation (and the crown)
What are the main advantages of WAMkey?
- Faster and more predictable than any other solution on the market
- Safe
- Allows you to reuse the crown or the bridge is so desired (permanently or as temporary)
- Saves burs and less drilling
- Preserves handpiece as less drilling
Can you purchase a single piece of WAMkey?
It is not recommended at all. The dentist should always try first to remove the crown with the smaller instrument ( #1) because it will work closer to the axis of the crown (more efficient). This instrument can remove 60% of the crowns, but sometimes, it will be too small and the dentist will need a larger key (thick cement layer, decay, amalgam build-up, etc.)
Does WAMkey work with all kinds of crowns? Even Zirconia crowns?
Yes. If the dentist is able to create the window and the tunnel, he has 90% chances to succeed. As zirconia is much harder than any other material, it is recommended to use a specific bur such as our Zircator burs. You just have to use the right bur for the type of crown, nothing else changes.
Does it work with all teeth?
WAMkey is too big for lower anteriors. It can work on upper anteriors, but they are not the best indications (very thin, cosmetic damage to the crown). The best indications are premolars and molars.
Does it work on porcelain?
Yes. Our instructions for use video that comes with the Intro Kit will explain how to succeed and increase your chances to avoid breaking the porcelain (suitable bur, enlargement of the window, isolator, etc.).
What are the inevitable steps to find the cement layer?
- Estimate the theoratical level
- Drill a window (at this level) before channel into the cement layer to see if you need to adjust
- Enlarge the window until you can visualize the layer or feel (with the bur) the different hardness between the preparation and the crown
Is the instrument strong enough? Will it break?
When used properly, these instruments can last over 10+ years. It is rare to have an instrument break and usually due to misuse. If it does, just give us a call and we most often replace it free of charge!
What is the unique condition allowing you to reuse a crown after removing it?
The only requirement is that the crown still fullfill all its functions:
- No linkage
- Contact points with adjacent teeth
- Cosmetic aspects
In what sense could WAMkey be useful for endodontic treatments?
- WAMkey eases the access to the canals and the use of files (99% practitioners will prefer doing a root canal treatment without the crown rather than with the crown)
- When removing the crown, the dentist can realize a real diagnostic and ensure there's no crack and no decay under the crown. (You can't see anything through the crown)
- When using WAMkey, you have to repair a buccal or a lingual window, which is easier and more reliable than repairing an occlusal opening.
WAMkey Intro Kit