Badly decayed teeth a common reason for tooth extraction

A dentist may recommend the extraction of bad teeth for reasons including:
  • Repair is not practical in every situation. Extraction is more suitable when
    - Extensive decay, cracks, or fracture has occurred;
    - Root canal treatment is not suitable for the existing situation;
    - Advanced periodontal disease (gum disease) has compromised the health of bad teeth.
  • Teeth are nonfunctional or malpositioned (e.g., wisdom teeth); and
  • Impending orthodontic treatment (e.g., braces an alternative like Six Month Smiles treatment) requires the creation of additional space in the arch.
The Atraumatic extraction of bad teeth is often the most reasonable solution. Depending on the extent of decay or the manner of a break or crack in a tooth, only one solution, extraction, may be suitable.

Clearly, dentists and patients have several factors to consider and discuss before deciding upon tooth extraction. In many cases, however, the obstacles presented by decayed teeth can only be overcome with the removal of these teeth. One of the factors that patients must discuss with their practitioner is the overall cost effectiveness of treatment options associated with tooth extraction, such as dental implants, dentures, partials or bridges.

In some cases, tooth repair requires that the nerve space inside of the tooth, the root canal, be treated. In most situations of decayed teeth, root canal treatment is a viable solution, but certain factors can complicate this procedure. In the event root canal therapy cannot be performed, Atraumatic extraction may be the most suitable process of repair.

Teeth affected by advanced periodontal disease (gum disease) have lost the support of underlying bone. The more advanced the disease process becomes, the more bone breaks down and the looser teeth in the affected area may become. Teeth that are no longer well-supported by bone in the jaw may require Atraumatic extraction.

Malposition may be an addition reason for the recommendation of extraction. Wisdom teeth are a good example. These teeth may be positioned in such a way that the cheek is constantly irritated or harmed during chewing. Wisdom teeth sit at the back of the mouth, which can be difficult to clean. This increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Wisdom teeth are considered nonfunctional. Removal of these teeth may be in the best interest of the patient.

An impacted tooth or teeth also requires extraction due to the malposition of this "trapped" tooth in the jawbone. Impacted teeth cannot entirely grow in and may press against adjacent teeth either at or beneath the gum line. Nonfunctional impacted wisdom teeth present good reason for extraction.

Lastly, the purpose of orthodontic treatment is to correct the alignment of teeth in each arch. Sometimes, the perfection of alignment and bite requires the creation of space in the mouth. This is most often necessary when there is a noticeable difference in the amount of space needed to achieve alignment and the anatomical size of the jaw.

The Physics Forceps can be used to extract bad teeth using the least amount of force. Patients and dentists are encouraged to discuss the simple, predictable, and comfortable extraction of teeth using this innovative instrument and its associated technique. There is no reason for fear or worry about tooth extraction! With the Physics Forceps, the treatment process can be significantly improved.

Eliminate the frustration and fear of tooth extraction when you learn more about the Physics Forceps at www.physicsforceps.com. Information about Atraumatic extractions may also be obtained at 1-877-987-2284.

Golden Dental Solutions (formerly known as GoldenMisch).

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