Physics Forceps® Products

Featured Products

The Golden Package
The Golden Package has everything you need at a great savings. The Physics Forceps®continues to be, quite simply, the easiest to use and most effective tooth extraction instruments on the market.
GMX 100-200 Standard Series Set
Set Includes: GMX-100R - Upper Right - Extracts Teeth 2 to 5 | GMX-100L - Upper Left - Extracts Teeth 12 to 15 | GMX-100A - Upper Anterior - Extracts Teeth 6 to 11 | GMX-200 - Lower Universal - Extracts Teeth 18 to 31
GMX 400 Molar Series
The Physics Forceps® continues to be, quite simply, the easiest to use and most effective tooth extraction instrument on the market.
MD Guide Intro Kit
Don't change anything with your current procedure! Because a millimeter can make a REAL difference, MD Guide provides you a mesio-distal guidance when placing implants. Each of the 5 pilot drills features a "ring". The diameter of this ring matches the mesio-distal dimension of the tooth you have to replace.
VibraJect Intro Kit
Kit contains six (6) batteries, three (3) autoclaveable clips and one (1) vibrating motor + 30 day money-back guarantee.
Convenient Ordering Options

Your GoldenDent account specialist is available to assist you with any questions you may have in regards to our products and/or pricing. You can place an order in a fast and convenient manner in one of the following methods:
  1. Call (877) 987-2284 to speak to one of our GoldenDent account specialists.
  2. Fax your orders by using our convenient online order form to (866) 624-0208.
  3. Order via our online store at Our site is easy to use, safe and secure.
Payment Alternatives
  • For your convenience, we accept several methods of payment.
  • We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit cards at the time of purchase.
  • We do not invoice for our products. Payment must be accepted prior to delivery.
  • We accept personal and/or business checks, but to ensure timely delivery we recommend other payment options as shipments for customers that do not have established payments terms will only be shipped upon clearing of the check from our banking institution.