GoldOss™ Allografts - Mineralized Cortical/Cancellous Bone Powder - 0.50cc 250 - 1,000um

  • Product Code: GO MCP0.50
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $76.32

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Why are GoldOss Allografts Preferred?

Revolutionary Washing Treatment to Preserve BMP's

We use proprietary market leading technology for all GoldOss allograft materials.  This proprietary processing technology utilizes “advanced science" designed to preserve native bone morphogenic proteins (BMP's) that provide the necessary signals to mesenchymal stem cells (MSC's) during osteogenesis.  The process includes a validated low-dose, low temperature sterilization step in combination with multiple proprietary rinsing agents designed to lysis and remove cellular components associated with disease transmission.

Superior Osteogenic Properties

Unlike other industry-wide manufacturing processes, we do not include the use of chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide or high levels of gamma irradiation both known to kill bone morphogenic proteins (BMP's) while producing a sterile graft with a Sterility Assurance Level of 10-6. The particulate is made using “rice-shaped" fiber technology that increases the osteoinductive and osteoconductive surface area to accelerate cellular ingrowth. The end result is cell-friendly grafting material proven to preserve native BMP's and maintain cell viability as demonstrated by cell viability assays.

Optimal Handling Characteristics

GoldOss particulate and putty allograft has optimal handling properties for surgery and maintains stability during healing resulting in better bone quality in preparation for dental implants. GoldOss putty is more cohesive and irrigation resistant than most currently available on market.  

Safe & Proven Standards

  • Donor eligibility exceeds AATB Standards and FDA Federal Regulations
  • Aseptic recovery of qualified donors in controlled environment
  • Microbial and serologic donor qualification
  • Aseptic validated processing in ISO 5 cleanrooms
  • Validated low-dose and low temperature sterilization step
  • Verified in-vivo and in-vitro osteoinductivity on ALL lots
  • Sterile (SAL 10-6) product.

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